Pokémon Go Community Day Event Monthly 2018

Pokémon Go Community Day Event Monthly 2018Pokemon Go Community Day event is something we’re going to be a part of every month in 2018 and within a time period of three-hours, Trainers all around the world will have a chance to earn more XP, Stardust, and catch a special Pokemon with an exclusive move.

1. The first event went live on January 20, with players having a chance to catch special Pokemon Pikachu who can learn Surf as an exclusive move. In addition, during this three-hour window, players got a chance to earn x2 XP and Lures got activated for 3h.

2. The second Community Day event went live on February 24, and this time, Pokemon Go players had 3h to catch Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite and their shiny form – as the “Special Pokemon” and earn 3x Catch Stardust.

3. Community Day #3 went live on March 25, with Bulbasaur as the special Pokemon, shiny forms, a special move, x3 catch XP and 3h Lures. For the first time, a new Community Day box (480 coins) went on sale with the following contents:

x6 Incense
x6 Lucky Egg
x6 Star Piece
x30 Ultra Ball

4. Community Day #4 on April 15 had Mareep as the special Pokemon, its shiny form, 1/4 Egg Hatch distance, Dragon Pulse as a special move and the usual 3-hour Lures. Also, the Community Day box was on sale for the 3-hour period for 480 PokeCoins, with the following items:

x3 Super Incubators
x4 Lucky Eggs
x4 Lure Modules
x30 Ultra Balls

5. Community Day #5 is going live on May 19, featuring Charmander as the next special Pokemon, x3 Catch Stardust, 3-hour lures and a special move. A special box sale is also announced, so we just have to wait and see until the last day what are the contents and if the deal is going to be as great as the last box.

Charmander, the Generation 1 Fire-starter is the featured Pokémon for the next Community Day, scheduled for May 19, 2018. The bonuses are the usual 3-hour Lures, as well as 3x Stardust for catches. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon which evolves into Charizard. And, if Pokémon Go keeps up it's Shiny tradition for May, that means Black Charizard.